Mystic Helium Infatable day cover 6´3" spar 30%
Bag der bruger luft til beskyttelse som det er kendt fra selvoppustelige soveunderlag.
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Bag der bruger luft til beskyttelse som det er kendt fra selvoppustelige soveunderlag.
The world’s first self-inflating boardbag. The Helium offers unmatched protection at a fraction of the usual weight. It uses the same technology you see in camping mattresses – you simply have to top up air by blowing into the valve. No need to worry about air pressure changes onboard flights, the Helium remains inflated the whole way through, and is a gem for shorter day trips as well. We’ve built a stretch shoulder strap with an elastic system to stay taut when not in use. At the end of the day, the Helium can be decompressed into a compact shape for storage.