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North Code Zero kite Tilbud 25%

Code Zero er lavet for at opfylde de krav der i dag stilles til en optimal kite der skal bruges til freeride foiling.

Den super lette, men stabile konstruktion sikrer i sammenhæng med det gennemarbejde design en kite der står sikkert i luften i helt let vind, trækker effektivt, drifter perfekt, og som drejer og reagerer hurtigt.

Kan også bruges som wavekite.

Flere detaljer

DKK 8.249,25



DKK 10.999,00

Borrowed from our North sailing heritage, Code Zero is the name of a sail born to go fast in light, shifty conditions. Like its namesake, we've engineered this kite for performance in very light air. The all-new Code Zero is a light, fast and reactive single-strut performer with effortless one-handed control and efficient light wind power delivery. It flies and turns quickly - with excellent drift and manoeuvrability which makes it ideal for foiling and small surf. One of the lightest single-strut kites available, the Code Zero has a playful and agile feel with dynamic steering. Refined for weight savings, we’ve stripped back the kite’s construction to the essential. Using lighter DLE140 dacron on the leading edge and strut for stiffness and durability, a double-canopy layer to reinforce the trailing edge and lighter-weight bladder material in every size. DuraLite wingtip chafe protectors provide abrasion resistance only where you need it, and small battens on the 9m and 11m stabilize the canopy. Super fun and easy to fly, with intuitive relaunch and reverse launch, the Code Zero is also great for learning to kite or foil in light winds. The kite is stable and evenly tensioned, with a balanced geometry. It won't luff, over-fly or front stall, and its one-handed steering means you can always foil in your preferred stance. The Code Zero is a highly efficient kite with a wide wind range and impressive power delivery for a one-strut kite - which means you can ride lighter wind conditions with a smaller kite. With the 3, 5, and 7m, you'll cover the whole wind range, from 10 to 30 knots.